When an articulate
teenager was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Any Answers?’ last week, she talked
confidently about herself as a visual learner, as opposed to an aural leaner.
That’s not a vocabulary I’ve come across before, but that basic difference in
how people prefer to think and learn has long seemed obvious to me, and it
plays a big part in how the monograph is being written.
I fall squarely into
the ‘visual learner’ category. Even if the monograph text itself looks pretty monochrome
on the computer screen, the thinking behind it is underpinned by lots of
images. When I moved into my temporary Somerville rooms (a building work exile)
back in spring, I printed pictures of the book’s dramatis personae off the
internet and put them up on the walls – woodcuts of King Zygmunt I, portraits
of Luther and the Prussian humanist Johannes Dantiscus, cityscapes of early modern
Cracow, Danzig and Poznań, and so on. These are arranged on different walls to
mirror roughly the geography of 16C Europe – the German actors in the far west,
then Poznan and Prussia,
and Cracow to
the east. The desk and pc sit between western Poland and the Baltic.

These pictures liven
up my room, and remind me that the heaps of photocopied sources scattered all
over the floor (to my scout’s horror) relate to real people and places. They also
help me in a big way to analyse what is happening in Poland in the early Reformation, to
visualise more easily the spatial and even political relationships between key
individuals and urban centres. Unfortunately, when the room gets too warm the
pictures curl up and fall off the walls, but I try not to read too much into